2.3 Social Media Facebook
2.3 Module 2 Social Media Facebook
Thus the seditions proceeded from strife and contention to murder, and from murder to open war....Henceforth there was no restraint upon violence either from the sense of shame, or regard for law, institutions, or country. - APPIAN
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Use Facebook like a Pro
- Create your Facebook Page: Any politician or political organization can create an official Facebook Page (or Group). If you go the Page route, you will want to create an official page and not a Community Page). Facebook only allows you to create a page if you are the candidate or you are an authorized person on that politician's staff. Unlike your basic profile, Facebook Pages are visible to everyone on the Internet by default.
- Update your Page profile: Use the Info tab to provide users with information about yourself and your campaign. Fill it out with as much detail as you can, including a link to your campaign website. Upload a profile picture to appear in the upper left corner of your Page. This is typically a candidate head shot or campaign logo.
- Customize your page: Facebook pages all have a standard look and feel. However, you can show off your creative side by creating a custom cover graphic. use a high quality image and limit the amount of copy in the image.
- Be authentic: Voters value authenticity from politicians who use social media. Candidates should work to engage in a conversation with readers, rather than simply broadcasting campaign updates. The goal is to get people to know, like and trust you. That won't happen if every post sounds like it was vetted by a PR firm.
- Don't be a jerk: Be yourself. Share your opinions, your personality, and even a bit of your daily life. Post frequently, but not so often that you appear to have nothing better to do. Most voters will never meet you in person. If you are a jerk online, they will only assume that you are a jerk in real life.
- Get verified: In order to advertise on the platform, you will need to provide personal information to Facebook. Your address will be confirmed by postcard, so be sure to start this process early.
How to start your own Ward (Chapter) Facebook Group
Ps. All ward candidates (councilors) are to open a Facebook Group (and not Page or personal Timeline).
💡 Facebook is a website which allows users, who sign-up for free profiles, to connect with friends, or colleagues or people they don't know, online. It allows users to share pictures, music, videos, and articles, as well as their own thoughts and opinions with however many people they like.
Tap in the top right (9 dots in a square) of Facebook, then tap Groups. If you hover your mouse over the dots, it will indicate MENU. Left click with your mouse and a dropdown box will appear.
📷 See Screenshot 2.3.1 Screenshot My Facebook Profile
All screenshots and examples are provided of DESKTOP actions (and not mobile actions)
Do me a favour. Please visit my page and request to JOIN it! Just click on the LINK
A list of all Facebook Groups opened by candidates / councilors will be at the bottom of this page. Please make sure you support the TEAM, and they will reciprocate.
💡 2.934 billion
Facebook is one of the world's top social networks, but just how many people use Facebook today? Here's what the latest data tell us: Number of Facebook users in the world (monthly active users): 2.934 billion (July 2022) Number of people who use Facebook each day (DAU): 1.968 billion (July 2022)
Once the dropdown box appear, TAP create GROUPS.
Here you will have three options to complete.
Step 1 will be to enter your Group Name
All names will be Tshwane Ward / Wyk __ Candidate + Area name of your Ward (if you are going to follow the RCoT route)
For example: 'Tshwane Ward / Wyk 91 Candidate Moreletapark Mooikloof & Rietvallei'. Duplicate and you will get some mileage from other sites such as to get to page 1 of Google Search quicker.
We do this for consistency with our constituents, as well as for Hashtags and Metatags to populate on Google My Business and Google Search engines to rank on page 1.
Step 2 you will select the privacy option. If you selected private, select whether to make your group visible (select this one) or hidden.
Please CHOOSE Private. (only members can see who's in the group and what they post). The other option will be Public (anyone can see who's in the group and what they post).
📷 See Screenshot 2.3.2 Screenshot Create Group
You can also see the benefits of choosing Public or Private in the following screenshot.
📷 See Screenshot 2.3.3 Public vs Private Facebook Group
💡 Facebook pages are predominantly public. They are visible to everyone on the platform. A Facebook group however can be both public and private. You can choose to ask questions to members before you allow them access to the group, letting you choose the people you allow to be a part of the discussion.
💡 However, Facebook restricts use of its platform to people aged 13 and above, so if we focus only on the people who are old enough to use Facebook, the data suggest that 47.1% of all those people on Earth who are old enough to use Facebook already do so.
Finally, you have the option to invite (suggested) Facebook Friends, or you can TAP to create. And then invite Friends afterwards.
📷 See Screenshot 2.3.4 Suggested Facebook Friends
Once your group is created, you can start populating the page by inviting residents, friends and RCoT colleagues to join. One of the benefits of all ward candidates using a GROUP, is that our social media expert can now produce ONE Facebook banner for everyone to use, rather than having to re-size between personal profile, Page or Group.
When you become ward councilor, you can request a name change (from candidate to councilor).
💡 Why have a Facebook group and page?
Facebook pages and groups each have their own strengths -- pages facilitate interactions with large numbers of people, while groups are ideal for more intimate communication.
📷 See Screenshot 2.3.5 About this Group
Finally, we want to setup your LOCATION.
On the left hand side of your Page, you will see MANAGE GROUP with a list of actions available. Scroll down until you find GROUP SETTINGS
📷 See Screenshot 2.3.6 Group Settings
Under Set Up Group, find
Click on the Pencil.
I have selected Moreletapark, Mooikloof and Rietvlei.
SAVE the locations you have selected. This will assist in people searching for your Facebook Group.
📷 See Screenshot 2.3.7 Location
It is your duty to grow your Facebook Group. Remember, your votes are now 'ringfenced'. You control the narrative. Feed them with consistent quality content. You also have the option to SHARE your group, or INVITE people to your group.
Either CLICK on the INVITE button,
or click on ... (the three dots)
In the dropdown box, select SHARE
📷 See Screenshot 2.3.8 Share or Invite
While on group settings
Click on NAME AND DESCRIPTION (pencil)
Copy and paste the following description (and remember to change your Ward number):
"We the People"
'REPUBLICAN CONFERENCE OF TSHWANE, WARD 91 CHAPTER MANDATE: to represent its members and the community of Ward 91 on all matters regarding issues of municipal services, rates, tariffs, the municipal Integrated Development Plan, Capital development of the City, permitted use of land, zoning, valuation, categorization for rating and/or use, the spatial development of the city in particular and any others matter in general that normally forms part of a city’s functioning.'
This will appear in your ABOUT section on your Page.
You will also see a summary of all your settings as we progressed through the setup process.
Popular topics in this group
This is where #hashtags (social media) and Metatags (domains) come in. If people search for specific topics on the web (including Facebook), a #hashtag will lead them to your Facebook page. I have identified 10 #hashtags for my Facebook Group. They include #restoreQualityofLife #supportlocal #proBusiness #IRC #ward91 #RepublicanConference #notonmywatch #comingtoadoornearyou.
Once used regularly, it will start a count on your Page under 'Popular topics in this group'.
📷 See Screenshot 2.3.9 Popular topics in this group
Universal #hashtags all RCoT candidates should use, will be
#ward__ (your ward number)
PS. Please re-visit this page as often as possible. This is a FREE PREVIEW page on Teachable (as part of The Independent Candidate Campaign Course). As we progress towards 2024, we will add / change #hashtags as we deem necessary. Also bear in mind, that Facebook constantly changes their algorithms. What works today; may just be outdated tomorrow.
The Facebook algorithm determines which posts people see every time they check their Facebook feed, and in what order those posts show up. Essentially, the Facebook algorithm evaluates every post. It scores posts and then arranges them in descending, non-chronological order of interest for each individual user.
Facebook will highlight #hashtags in blue. Should you click on a specific #hashtag, it will show you all the posts on that topic.
📷 See Screenshot 2.3.10 Hashtags
Assigned roles to your Facebook Group.
This is crucial. There are two golden rules when it comes to Social Media.
1) Be consistent with your content (i.e time posted and quality)
2) Feedback / Response
Visitors expect immediate answers. If you are occupied, someone else should be available to assist.
You can appoint ADMINS and MODERATORS in your group to assist you with this mammoth task.
💡 There are two roles for people who manage groups: admins and moderators. A badge may appear by the admin or moderator's name on their group posts, comments and group profile. Keep in mind, admins and moderators can choose to not display their badges.
What is the difference between an admin and a moderator in a Facebook group?
An admin is a person who created a Facebook group and has complete control over its settings. On the other hand, a moderator is someone who assists the admin in keeping track of the group's activities and ensuring that everything is running smoothly.
You can have as many admins on a Page as you want. To add an admin, go to “Edit Page” on your Timeline and then click “Admin roles.” Scroll down and select “Add another admin.” Note: To make someone an admin of your Page, the person must have Liked the Page
Manage your Social Media campaign on social media (Facebook Group) by using Scheduled Posts. Here is how to do it:
Under Manage Group, click on Scheduled Posts
Click on Create Post
Complete your Post (Write something...)
Schedule Date and Time.
See Screenshot 2.3.11 Scheduled Post
📷 See Screenshot 2.3.12 Complete Scheduled Post
While scrolling through your Facebook timeline, you might come across an interesting post or article you can use / post / share to your group. One option will be to save the post.
On the relevant post, click on the ... (three dots) top right corner of the post.
See Screenshot 2.3.13 Save Link
If you have not previously used this feature, create a NEW COLLECTION, based on your preferences. One for personal, one for hobbies, one for your ward etc.
Create the collection, SAVE TO and click DONE. When you have time, you can re-visit SAVED posts and schedule according to need.
📷 See Screenshot 2.3.14 New Collection
Download PDF 2.3.15 Fast Stats October 2022